Thursday 29 April 2021

2021 - April The Stranger Diaries by Ellie Griffiths

 DW: The stranger dairies what a rubbish book. Plot thin. Writer attempted to write each chapter as a different character in the book, you ended up not bonding with any of them. Harbinger Kaur began as an interesting person, but soon faded into the norm". The murderer was surprising but then it tied in nicely with the plot. Mark 2. I read an Elly Griffith's book smoke and mirrors which I enjoyed and gave it 7, but not this one.

LS: After doing some very deep and heavy book reading, I was quite happy to read this book. The book plodded along - no great effort to read.. I would give the book 5 - readable but not memorable. 

PM: excellent crime suspense story based around a short story by an author who lived in the building where most of the cast taught as it is now a school. People are getting killed in the same manner as in the story, and then Claire finds writing in her dairy to add to the eeriness. And daughter Georgia is being taught creative writing by a white witch. The dog features highly too. I will look out other books by this author. Mark 8.

MS: Liked the original gothic tale around which the story was woven, and also liked the different narrators for each chapter.  She researched the education system quite well

OL: Has read lots of her books before, especially the Ruth Gallagher novels. That's why she suggested this book.  It was very clever how it was presented, but the denoument was a bit flat. 

Marks ranged from 2 to 9, average 7. 

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