Wednesday 24 January 2024

2024 - January H is for Hawk - Helen MacDonald

 This book draws you in. It is autobiographical about Helen and her experience getting and training a Goshawk. She has lots of books on the subject, but sticks with the one by T.H.White, author of 'The Once and Future King'. He doesn't seem like a very nice character. she jumps back and forth from her own story to what White did in his training. You almost want to skip over these bits. This lady is not straight in her mind, but that is part of the story.  You keep on reading because you want to know how she gets on with her hawk, Mabel. 

P: However, I have finished the book. My thoughts: Well written, I love birds of prey, so found much of it fascinating, but just found it too long. I kept waiting for more story to kick in and it never did. I also found some of the links to bereavement a bit stretched. My score would be 7, because it was well written and it wasn't a hard read.

Marks in the vicinity of 7.